Bloc Party - Song For Clay (Disappear Here)
I am trying to be heroic in an age of eternity
I am trying to be heroic it’s all around me, history Sings
So I enjoy and I devour flesh and wine and luxury
But in my heart I am luke warm nothing ever really touches me
And at the other sights
We need to precisely
Night of crime
I will look forward and eat it with complete disdain
All those rising champagne flutes
But when we kiss I feel nothing
Feasting arms, sleeping pills and Mum I'll berate(?)
(So busy, won't save you)
Oho, How are, how are, melons(?) they sound fit for nothing
Live the dream, live the dream, live the dream
Like the 80's never happened
Be cool. I'm afraid, I'm afraid
To merge on the freeway
Disappear here
Strongs the key
Into the magazine launch party
I'm hunting a deer and a swallow with complete disdain
Keep your hands off me I had remembered to live born
We suck each others face and make sure we are noticed
(The game won't see you)
Because Eastland Inn is a vampire
It sucks the joy right out of me
How we look for corruption in these golden years
Oho, How are, how are, melons(?) they sound fit for nothing
Live the dream, live the dream, live the dream
Like the 80's never happened
Be cool. I'm afraid, I'm afraid
To merge on the freeway
Disappear here.
Disappear here.
Disappear here.
Disappear here.
Disappear here.