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2006. 11. 19. 09:47 라이브/뮤직비디오
Miss Murder의 Director's cut버젼은 Prelude 12/21이 앞에 붙어있는 형식에다
더 볼만했던거 같은데,
Love Like Winter Long Version은
Love Like Winter의 앞 트랙인 The Interview 끝 부분이
( 가사에선 빨간색으로 표시한 부분만 추가 됐음.
가사부분을 자세히 보니 Love Like Winter랑 이어지는 듯 하다.
역시 Davey는 가사를 막 짓는게 아니었어. 다 생각해 가며 작사하는 거 맞나보다 ^0^ )
롱버젼 뮤비의 앞부분에 추가됐는데, 기대한거에 비해 그냥 그런듯. 집이 제대로 나왔다는 것 정도.

사용자 삽입 이미지




AFI - The Interview


Forever waiting for disaster,
What David calls servant and master,
Will you play it too?
As this displacement begs for water.
Swimming, bathing.
Drowning in sorrow.

Scream with me.

I crawl across this cracked expansion,
I'll be buried soon.
Beneath the sand with pure intentions.
Wanting something, someone to follow.

For a change, I'll refrain,
From hiding all of me from you.
(here's my lullaby.)
Pray for rain, lose your name.
And watch all your dreams fall through.
(hush now, don't you cry)

I swoon upon my knees come crashing,
Will you bury me?
Today, this small favour I am asking
Hold me, you may drop me tomorrow

For a change, I'll refrain,
From hiding all of me from you.
(here's my lullaby.)
Pray for rain, lose your name.
And watch all your dreams fall through.
(hush now)

For a change, I'll refrain,
From hiding all of me from you.

Pray for rain, lose your name.
And watch all your dreams fall through.

Here's my lullaby.
Hush now don't you cry.


Calm down.
Come down cold resides with me.
With me.

I flee to, I flee to decemberunderground.
As you exhale, I breathe in and sink into,
The water underground,
And I grow pale without you.


AFI - Love Like Winter



Warn your warmth to turn away
Here it’s December, everyday
Press your lips to the sculptures
And surely you’ll stay (love like winter)
For of sugar and ice, I am made, I am made

It’s in the blood, it’s in the blood
I met my love before I was born
He wanted love. I taste of blood
He bit my lip, and drank my warmth
From years before, from years before

She exhales vanilla lace,
I barely dreamt of yesterday (yesterday)
Read the lines in the mirror through the lipstick trace:
"Por Siempre."
She said, “It seems you’re somewhere, far away"
To his face.

It’s in the blood, it’s in the blood
I met my love, before I was born
She wanted love, I taste of blood
She bit my lip, and drank my warmth
From years before, from years before

Love like winter Oh Oh
Love like winter, winter, three, four

It’s in the blood, it’s in the blood
I met my love, before I was born
He wanted love, I taste of blood
He bit my lip, and drank my warmth
From years before, from years before

posted by 종이인형
2006. 10. 29. 22:54 ☆ AFI ☆/AFI 관련 영상

DVD rip버젼이라 화질이 무지 좋지만

mncast든 youtube든 그쪽에 맞게 인코딩되서

올리는거라 원본에 비해 상당히 떨어지긴합니다만,

어쨌든 화질 좋습니다.


이번 일본반에 보너스로 들어있는 DVD디스크에서 직접 뽑아냈는데,

3분 이십 몇초짜리 avi로 컨버팅하는데 30분은 넘게 걸린데다 용량이 400메가가 넘어서..-.-;;


이게 Longbeach Live클립이라 12월12일에 발매된다는 DVD랑 동일한 소스일꺼라 예상됩니다.


원래는 일본반 보너스디스크에는 써머소닉 라이브 풀버젼이랑 인터뷰가 들어갈 예정이었으나

레이블에 뭔사정이 생겼는지 lovelike winter롱비치라이브랑 인터뷰랑 기존 뮤직비디오만

실려있어서 넘 실망해서 안 살려다 팬으로서의 예의상 샀는데,

일본반이 확실히 좋긴 좋다는 것.


그러고보니 갖고 있는 AFI음반들중 국내 라이센스반은 하나도 없군요.

어쨌거나 미국반이랑 비교하면 역시 일본반이 시디자켓이 훨낫고 나머지 부클릿속지내용은 같습니다. 시디알맹이는 미묘하게 틀린데 배경의 나무가 흰색이 아니라 회색인데 더 나은 느낌이네요.


보너스트랙도 빵빵. 이미 들었던 곡이지만은...


보너스 DVD에는 인터뷰영상도 있는데, 생각보다 긴 15분 가까이 되고,

빌리 조 암스트롱이랑 Green Day에 관한 내용도 있네요 뭔내용인지는 잘..-.-

질문은 텍스트로 떠서 보기 편한데, 대답은 일본어자막으로 뜨니...


라이브 영상의 백미는 중간부터 종이조각들이 눈발처럼 날리면서 내리는 장면.




posted by 종이인형
2006. 9. 28. 01:38 라이브/뮤직비디오

AFI - Love Like Winter




"Love Like Winter"

Warn your warmth to turn away,
Here it's december,
Everyday.[small girlish echo:]i'm with you, or i love you

Press your lips to the sculptures,
And surely you'll stay.[distant:]love like winter

For of sugar and ice,
I am made. I am made

It's in the blood,
It's in the blood.
I met my love before I was born.
He wanted love,
I taste of blood.
He bit my lip, and drank my war,
From years before, from years before.

She exhales vanilla lace,
I barely dreamt her, yesterday.[echo:]yesterday
Read the lines in the mirror through,
The lipstick trace.
Por siempre

She said "It seems you're somewhere, far away" to his face.

It's in the blood,
It's in the blood.
I met my love before I was born.
She wanted love,
I taste of blood.
She bit my lip, and drank my war,
From years before, from years before.

Love Like Winter.

Love Like Winter.

Three, four

It's in the blood,
It's in the blood.
I met my love before I was born.
He wanted love,
I taste of blood.
He bit my lip, and drank my war,
From years before, from years before.
From years before.



Album : Decemberunderground (2006)



파란에다 올린거라 밤에는 접속이 원할하지 않을 수 있습니다.

게다가 용량을 10메가로 맞추느라 어쩔수 없이 용량을 줄였습니다.

다른 버젼이 나오면 추가해서 올릴게요.



posted by 종이인형

Love Like Winter가 두번째 싱글로 확정되서 뮤직 비디오 촬영중.

아래는 Love Like Winter 뮤비 스틸컷.

DF 멤버들에게 먼저 공개후 며칠후에 마이스페이스에 올라온 사진들.


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사용자 삽입 이미지

사용자 삽입 이미지

사용자 삽입 이미지

posted by 종이인형