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2006. 5. 2. 21:48 ☆ AFI ☆/AFI 관련 영상

아마 2001년도그때 쯤 인터뷰......

I=interviewer dude
H=hunter (duh!)

I- how do you feel about touching SO many fans out there?

D-I mean thats really the greatest thing, uh, to be able to, um reach people who normally listen to, you know just punk/rock(he kind of twitches hiw mouth to the left), or just hark-hard core; or just metal kids you know. Or just death rock kids, its-its great that people come and enjoy our shows for what they are(hunter starts kind of nodding his head lightly, he looks like he's falling asleep)ummm....not really worrying (i know thats spelt wrong) about what category you know we're supposed to fit in, or what category they're supposed to fit into.....


I-i read somewhere somehting about the Monster(davey raises eyebrowsand adam grins and looks at davey) and Davey i wanted you to maybe explain something about(Davey leans foreward and looks even more confused) the monster that came out (adam looks like he wants to laugh and davey...still looks confused) i read in-with at some, at some (davey FINALLY understands and turns to adam and laughs, everyone laughs, they laugh together like a group of erm...laughers) at some certain time (davey points to jade and laughs) I was just wondering if you could share that with our viewers.

D-I dont know what the monster is, there IS a monster (jade giggle-uh i mean, laughs....jade laughs) and uh...it happens in the studio sometimes it happens on stage (Adam bends over and laughs, jade says something or laughs or something)...and its in my neck (davey points to his neck) (thay all laugh)

I-its in your neck?(he sounds kinda weirded out)(davey shows the right side of his neck and rubs it while adam laughs) show that neck(adam leans over and points to daveys neck, yes adam we know what a neck is  )

D- yeah its right around here (indicates a spot on his neck) sometimes it happens when im just talking, like i could be talking to you...and the monster bites me(he says it aas if its so normal or so logical)(adam laughs so much i suspect he had tears in his eyes, he wiped his eyes)

I-o...kay(you can tell that the interviewer thinks that davey is extremely weird)

D-......it hurts

A-its funny to wittness, you can see him like he'll be standing and the n all of the sudden he just drops (adam motions dropping with his arms) and he'll be on the floor


D- (very quietly says) do to the monster

I-do to the monster(why does he repeat davey?)

J-we're a weird band becasue of this, people listening to this will probably think...we're some weirdoes (and he laughs)

D- yeaaaah...this is not an attempt to be weird


출처 board.despairfaction.com

       #43    09-05-05, 06:14 PM 
       bleed black 
       Board Member   Location: halloween town

posted by 종이인형