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2006. 11. 13. 07:59 라이브/뮤직비디오

The Horrors


사용자 삽입 이미지



Sheena Is a Parasite

Sheena is a champion of self-reliance
As soon as she needs it she knows just where the knife is
Her fingers aren't so fast anymore, it's been 29 years since she came to these shores/ Sheena is a Parasite/ Send her back to the sea they cried, but Sheena spat bile til they let her lie.
She claims she's working for the Lord but you know what she's looking for/ Sheena is a Parasite
Sheena's ambition sneers at your routine and behind that glass she sits, cold.
If Sheena was buried no one would care, She hates everyone she knows (no one) / Sheena is a Parasite Sheena is a Parasite, send her back across the sea.


사용자 삽입 이미지
Faris "Rotter" Badwan- Vocal
Tomethy Furse- Bass
Joshua von Grimm Vibestation- Guitar
Coffin Joe- Drums
Spider Webb- Vox Continental Organ
크리스 커닝햄이 아주 오래간만에 감독한 뮤직비디오.
원래 곡 자체도 짧아서 그런가 그전에 그가 만든 뮤비들보다는
임팩트가 좀 떨어지네요.
중간중간 보이는 괴상한 생물체..제 눈엔 문어로 보여요.^^;;
열심히 흔드는 여자분은 사만다 모튼이라는 영국배우라고 합니다.
저 밴드는 뮤비도 뮤비지만 겉으로 보여지는 이미지때문이라도 눈에 띄네요.
posted by 종이인형