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2007. 1. 30. 09:03 마구잡이 선곡
Son Of Sam
사용자 삽입 이미지
vocals: Davey Havok (A.F.I)
guitar: Todd Youth
drums: London May
bass: Steve Zing (Doomtree)





사용자 삽입 이미지

Song From the Earth (2001)


1. Of Power
2. Stray
3. Evernight
4. In The Hills
5. Songs From The Earth
6. Satiate
7. Of Man
8. Michael
9. Purevil
10. Invocation




I've been waiting patiently for this day to arrive and
I have spoken not a single word,
Now hand to hand my voice shall be heard

No Michael
not this time,
I've been waiting for oh so long, oh so long

I've accepted silently this name I've been given and
I have heard it pass the lips of everyone,
Now if you will inquire, ask of your Father
and he may tell you of his brightest Son

No Michael
not this time,
I've been waiting for oh so long

No Michael,
not this time,
I've been growing oh so strong

Now in true glory
I'll rise again, ahh

I've been waiting patiently for this day and this time
I shall not be alone,
Not this time, not this time,
not this time, not this time



사용자 삽입 이미지
왼쪽부터 Steve Zing,Davey Havok,Todd Youth

사용자 삽입 이미지

Todd Youth의 제안으로 2001년에 결성된 일회성 프로젝트 밴드로
Misfits,Samhain 영향을 받은 음악을 선보이고 있다.
개인적으로는 Davey의 보컬을 실컷 들을 수 있어서 만족함.
올드 스쿨 펑크에 고쓰 스타일 가미.

posted by 종이인형