Eighteen Visions 4월9일자로 해체 했다. 두달 신경 못 쓰는 사이 그새 해체하다니.....
메이저에서 앨범도 냈겠다. 앞날이 밝을 줄 알았는데, 아뭏튼 해체 해서 안타깝다.
아래는 베이스를 맡고 있는 Mick Morris가 남긴 글이라고 함.
"After several years of touring and quite a few album releases we have decided that it is time to go our separate ways. We have been a band for a very long time and feel good about everything we were able to accomplish. At this point in our lives and our careers we feel its time to move on to something fresh and new. Whether it be music, touring or just being at home to live and enjoy life. We would like to thank all of our fans, friends and families for all of the great support over the years. We would also like to thank all of the bands we have shared the stage with and everyone who has ever worked with the band, opened a door or reached out a hand. We will be playing our final two shows in April. One in San Diego and one in Orange County. Come rock with us one more time."
위키에서 확인 해보니 Trevor와 Keith Barney는 Lyalah란 밴드의 프론트맨과 새로운 밴드를 만들었다고 하는데,
(어쩐지 트레버 마이스페이스에 Never Enough의 음악이 BGM으로 걸려있더라니.....)
새롭게 만든 밴드 이름은Never Enough. 음악은 인더스트리얼?
그럼 제임스는 뭘 할려나, 혹시 헤어 디자이너로 다시 돌아갈려구?
아래 사진은
4월 19.20일 에 했던 그들의 마지막 (?) 공연.