이번 신보는 크게 달라지지 않는 한도내에서 만들어서 전작을 좋아했다면 무난하게 들을 수 있다. 신보 샘플만 듣고 프리오더해서 받았는데 정작 A Skylit Drive에 밀려서 뒤늦게서야 들어보는 중. 전작에도 Shawn의 여동생인 Melissa가 백보컬로 참여했는데, 이번에도 참여해서 2,4,6,8,12번 트랙에 참여. 12번 트랙은 피아노연주에 shawn과의 듀엣송으로만 되어있는 잔잔한 곡. 전작에도 이런류의 곡이 있었는데... 얘네는 보컬이 어쩜 참 다양하게도 들어가는 듯. (이 점때문에 좀 어수선한 감도 좀 있음) 듣다보면 목소리구별하는 재미가 있다. 몇몇 트랙은 스크리밍 없이 클린만으로 구성해도 괜찮겠다 싶은 곡들도 있고, 밑에 이곡은 중간중간 산뜻한 느낌까지 든다.
Mark my words this night is far from its end Please spare me your threats and your useless remarks Go ahead, I dare you! Take one step closer to this gap baby! I'll show you what I mean! I can't let fear get the best of me right now Keep smiling and soon you will pay!
Close your eyes and let your mind escape into a world of dreams I won't wake you Close your eyes and keep them shut The next part isn't going to be a very pretty sight Forget about tonight, tomorrow will be here so soon And we'll be busy singing, "The wicked witch is dead!" Once upon a time seems so like a fairy tale, I guess For us it's true
Who's laughing now? Blood pours from her dry mouth as she begs for mercy Oh, how she screams! If you think you'll win my forgiveness Awww, sweetheart, you're sadly mistaken! You shouldn't have brought us! You shouldn't have hurt us! You have not one clue what you've started but trust me You'll know when I'm finished! (Its time, baby!)
Close your eyes and let your mind escape into a world of dreams I won't wake you Close your eyes and keep them shut The next part isn't going to be a very pretty sight Forget about tonight, tomorrow will be here so soon And we'll be busy singing, "The wicked witch is dead!" Once upon a time seems so like a fairy tale, I guess For us it's true
You'd better run faster than that I know you're feeling scared but so am I Don't you dare turn around...Hold on as tight as you can! I know that you're afraid but so am I There's no time for tears...run till you can't feel your legs!
Close your eyes... Forget about tonight, tomorrow will be here so soon And we'll be busy singing, "The wicked witch is dead!" Once upon a time seems so like a fairy tale, I guess For us it's true
Look who's laughing now! Blood pours from her dry mouth as she begs for mercy If you think you'll win my forgiveness Awww. sweetheart, you're sadly mistaken! (It's time, baby!)