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2006. 10. 27. 09:42 마구잡이 선곡

Panic! At The Disco - This Is Halloween


사용자 삽입 이미지


Nightmare Before Christmas: Special Edition - CD
Original Soundtrack



 1. Overture

 1. This Is Halloween - Marilyn Manson

 2. Opening 

 2. Sally's Song - Fiona Apple

 3. This Is Halloween

 3. What's This? - Fall Out Boy

 4. Kidnap The Sandy Claws - She Wants Revenge

 4. Jack's Lament

 5. Medley

 5. This Is Halloween - Panic! At The Disco

 6. Making Christmas - Danny Elfman (demo)

 6. Waht's This?

 7. Town Meeting Song

 7. Oogie Boogie's Song - Danny Elfman (demo)

 8. This Is Halloween - Danny Elfman (demo)

 8. Jack And Sally Montage  

 9. Jack's Obsession

 9. Kidnap The Sandy Claws - Danny Elfman (demo)

 10. Kidnap The Sandy Claws

 11. Making Christmas

 12. Nabbed

 13. Oogie Boogie's Song

 14. Sally's Song

 15. Christmas Eve Montage

 16. Poor Jack 

 17. To The Rescue

 18. Finale/Reprise

 19. Closing

 20. End Title




크리스마스의 악몽 OST가 스페셜 에디션으로 재발매.

두번째 시디에는 데모곡과 몇몇 밴드와 뮤지션이 커버한 곡들이 수록.

AOL 뮤직사이트에 가면 들을수 있게 되어있는데,

컴이랑 뭐가 안 맞는지 내컴으로 청취불가.

패닉엣더디스 커뮤니티갔다가 마침 올라와있길래 화일하나를 받아서 올려 봄.






AFI 게시판갔다가

afi and TNBC 라는 제목의 글이 있길래 뭔가 했더니

팬들은 AFI가 커버하지 못한게 섭섭했나보다.

DAvey팔뚝을 보면 한쪽 전체가 크리스마스의 악몽 문신이 되어 있는데다가

예전 사진중 크리스마스의 악몽 콜렉션과 함께 찍은 것도 있고,

팬들이 Davey가 크리스마스의 악몽 좋아하는거 알고 있어서 더 섭섭했던듯.




posted by 종이인형
2006. 10. 16. 09:35 마구잡이 선곡

I Am Ghost


캘리포니아 롱비치 출신의 6인조 밴드.

요즘 유행하는 스타일을 쫒으면서도

외적으로나 음악적으로나 고딕적인 색채도 같이 띄고 있어요.

이 곡은 덜하긴 한데 다른 곡들을 들어보면 현악과 여성 멤버의 코러스도 맘에 들고

자기 색깔이 있는 밴드 같아요.


ALBUM : Lovers' Requiem


사용자 삽입 이미지


Dark Carnival Of The Immaculate


The hunger dressed alone
Ten years have gone and past
A vision of carnival
Dark days Immaculate
Search the town of millions of smiling clowns
Red cat monster beauty has her hands in chains

Her eyes still glow like heaven
Broken, unsound, cut her wings off
The night: a vampire trademark
Dead man walking free

The dancing has created a fire
Two-headed strong man disgust, desire
Midnight (destruct)
Break bones (for hire)
Create (sickness)
A war for purity

The blood we shared
The love we cannot let go (I have you now)

Her eyes still glow like heaven
Broken, unsound, cut her wings off
The night: a vampire trademark
Dead man walking free

We won't turn to dust...

In all its glory, and kept in secret cooks closed
with wax
the dark angels will retreat, and return to hell...

Her eyes still glow like heaven
Broken, unsound, cut her wings off
The night: a vampire trademark
Dead man walking free
Her eyes still glow like heaven
Broken, unsound, cut her wings off
The night: a vampire trademark
Dead man walking free

Midnight, destruct, let go
We won't turn to dust


사용자 삽입 이미지

posted by 종이인형
2006. 10. 12. 10:39 마구잡이 선곡

Offspring - Totalimmortal(AFI Cover)


사용자 삽입 이미지
위 사진은 AFI의 Davey와 Adam사이에 낀 Offspring의 Dexter Holland.
오리지널은 AFI의 곡으로 All Hallows EP에 실린 곡인데,
옵스프링이 커버해 Me,Myself and Irene 라는 짐캐리와 르네 젤위거가 나왔던
영화의 사운드 트랙에 실었다.
내가 듣기엔 옵스프링 보단 원곡 주인인 AFI가 한게 더 나은거 같다.
AFI가 한게 뮤직비디오도 그렇고 약간 Misfits삘도 나는것이 더 맘에 듬.
최근에 알게 된 사실은
뭐냐면 AFI의 베스트 앨범이 멤버들의 동의없이 Nitro에서 그냥 낸거였다는 것.
원래 베스트앨범에 관심도 없고 잘  구입을 안하는 편이라...몰랐음.
AFI공식 홈피 갔다가 거기 게시판을 통해 팬들이 써 놓은 글보고 알았다.
AFI랑 Offspring의 Dexter Holland와의 관계는  
레이블 사장과 그 레이블 소속밴드였었다.
그래서 AFI가 Offspring의 오프닝 밴드로 많이 서기도 하고 그랬는데...
(지금은 아니지만...가만 생각 해보면 AFI가 Nitro를 통해서 낸 앨범들이 많아서
AFI앨범 판매가 Nitro의 수익의 상당부분을 차지할거 같다. )
AFI가 Art of Drowning의  후속앨범을 원래는 2002년도 쯤에 역시나 Nitro를 통해서 내려고 했던거 같다. AFI가 메이저랑 계약하는 바람에 1년 더 늦게 나오게 된듯.
위의 저 사진은 갖고 있었던 Kerrang에서 우연히 봤는데,
레이블 나왔어도 여전히 사이가 돈독한가 보다 라고 생각했는데,
나중에 알고보니깐 Nitro는 밴드 나가니깐 아주 뽕을 뽑으려고 마지막으로 베스트 앨범을 낸거였나보다 그것도 멤버 동의 없이.... 이거때문에 멤버들이 기분도 안 좋았다고 하고
특히 헌터가 못 마땅해 한듯.
어떤 팬이 싸인해 달라고 베스트음반 시디를 내밀었는데,
이 음반 빼놓고 다른 건 다 해주겠다고 그랬다던데...
그래도 Davey랑 Adam은 앙금이 풀렸는지 같이 사진도 찍고 그랬네.

posted by 종이인형
2006. 10. 10. 07:13 마구잡이 선곡

Scissor Sisters


사용자 삽입 이미지


사용자 삽입 이미지

Album :Ta Dah!


사용자 삽입 이미지



"She's My Man"

This town was built on muddy stilts
By the lunatic parade
It rains like Revelations
Gonna wash these freaks away
Some girls wanna hold your hand
And some girls like to pray
Well my girl takes her drinks
With dust and rusty razor blades

As I lie between these covers
I wanna tell her that I love it
When she chokes me in the
Backseat of her riverboat 'cause

She's my man
And we got all the balls we need
When you taste that pavement
You're amazed
She smells your sympathy
So bye bye ladies
May the best queen hold the crown
For the most bush sold on the levee
My my, how word gets around
She strangles for a good time
And she kills my self-control
She's my man, don't be too sad sonny
'Cause she'll never be your woman no more

Someday soon, this dank lagoon's
Gonna sink right into hell
They'll hide you from Big Ida
At the Sho' Enough Hotel
The Ladies of the evening's just
A tombstone in your bed
Well my girl eats a wounded preacher
'tween two loaves of bread

I know she's up to something
But how can I run when she's just
Keel-hauled twenty-on to nothing
I'll stay next to the steel coal oven 'cause

She's my man
And we got all the balls we need
When you taste that pavement
You're amazed
She smells your sympathy
So bye bye ladies
May the best queen hold the crown
For the most bush sold on the levee
My my, how word gets around
She strangles for a good time
And she kills my self-control
She's my man, don't be too sad sonny
'Cause she'll never be your woman no more

All you need's just a fist of a tear-stained bunny
When the good ship comes to town
Who said loves a bitch'll sit next to me honey
Because this old boat's gonna run aground
I don't want to be the burden
Or your jealous bastard
I don't wanna be the Tarzan of your next epic disaster

She's my man
And we got all the balls we need
When you taste that pavement
You're amazed
She smells your sympathy
So bye bye ladies
May the best queen hold the crown
For the most bush sold on the levee
My my, how word gets around
She strangles for a good time
And she kills my self-control
She's my man, don't be too sad sonny
'Cause she'll never be your woman no more

She's my man, can't you feel her comin'
She's my man, she's gonna keep you runnin'
She's my man, she's gonna teach you something
She's me, she's my man




posted by 종이인형
2006. 10. 8. 09:44 마구잡이 선곡

The Academy is의 새로운 곡이래요.


음질이 좀 떨어지는거 같은데, 라디오에서 녹음한 건지...

무턱대고 받아서 출처도 잘 모르겠고....


안타까운 소식은 Tom Conrad가 밴드를 탈퇴할거 같더군요

공식적으로는 언급이 안 됐지만 거의 사실로 받아들이고 있는 분위기예요.


홈도 뜯어고치고 그러던데, 예전 홈에 Tom이 찍은 사진들이 있는 페이지로 연결 됐었는데,

그것도 없어지겠군요. 




posted by 종이인형
2006. 10. 4. 20:03 마구잡이 선곡

The Killers - Read My Mind


사용자 삽입 이미지


새 앨범Sam's Town에 있는 곡입니다.

첫 싱글곡은When You Were Young인데, 그냥 다른 곡으로 골랐습니다.

그나저나 브랜든 플라워스는 왜 수염을 길렀는지....


사용자 삽입 이미지


1. Sam's Town 
2. Enterlude 
3. When You Were Young 
4. Bling (Confession of a King) 
5. For Reasons Unknown 
6. Read My Mind 
7. Uncle Jonny 
8. Bones 
9. My List 
10. This River Is Wild 
11. Why Do I Keep Counting? 
12. Exitlude



"Read My Mind"

On the corner of main street
Just tryin' to keep it in line
You say you wanna move on and
You say I'm falling behind

Can you read my mind?
Can you read my mind?

I never really gave up on
Breakin' out of this two-star town
I got the green light
I got a little fight
I'm gonna turn this thing around

Can you read my mind?
Can you read my mind?

The good old days, the honest man;
The restless heart, the Promised Land
A subtle kiss that no one sees;
A broken wrist and a big trapeze

Oh well I don't mind, you don't mind
Coz I don't shine if you don't shine
Before you go, can you read my mind?

It뭩 funny how you just break down
Waitin' on some sign
I pull up to the front of your driveway
With magic soakin' my spine

Can you read my mind?
Can you read my mind?

The teenage queen, the loaded gun;
The drop dead dream, the Chosen One
A southern drawl, a world unseen;
A city wall and a trampoline

Oh well I don't mind, you don't mind
Coz I don't shine if you don't shine
Before you go
Tell me what you find when you read my mind

Slippin?in my faith until I fall
He never returned that call
Woman, open the door, don't let it stay
I wanna breathe that fire again

She said
Oh well I don't mind, you don't mind
Coz I don't shine if you don't shine

Put your back on me
Put your back on me
Put your back on me

The stars are blazing like rebel diamonds cut out of the sun
When you read my mind

posted by 종이인형
2006. 10. 3. 01:18 마구잡이 선곡

사용자 삽입 이미지


Snakes On A Plane OST


Cobra Starship - "Snakes on a Plane (Bring It)"
Panic! At the Disco - "The Only Difference Between Martyrdom and Suicide Is Press Coverage" (Tommie Sunshine Brooklyn Fire Remix)
The Academy Is... - "Black Mamba" (Teddybears Remix)
Cee-Lo Green - "Ophidiophobia"
The All-American Rejects - "Can't Take It" (El Camino Prom Wagon Remix)
The Sounds - "Queen of Apology" (Patrick Stump Remix)
Fall Out Boy - "Of All the Gin Joints in All the World" (Tommie Sunshine's Brooklyn Fire Retouch)
Gym Class Heroes - "New Friend Request" (Hi-Tek Remix)
The Bronx - "Around the Horn" (Louis XIV Remix)
Armor For Sleep - "Remember to Feel Real" (Machine Shop Remix)
The Hush Sound - "Wine Red" (Tommie Sunshine's Brooklyn Fire Retouch)
Jack's Mannequin - "Bruised" (Remix)
Coheed and Cambria - "Wake Up" (Acoustic)
Donavon Frankenreiter - "Lovely Day"
Michael Franti & Spearhead - "Hey Now Now"
Trevor Rabin - "Snakes on a Plane - The Theme" (Score)

Cobra Starship - "Snakes on a Plane (Bring It)"

posted by 종이인형
2006. 9. 29. 08:49 마구잡이 선곡

Gym Class Heroes(Album :As Cruel as Schoool Children)



사용자 삽입 이미지

사용자 삽입 이미지
The Queen And I
Shoot Down The Stars
New Friend Request
Clothes Off!
Sloppy Love Jingle, Pt. 1
Viva La White Girl
7 Weeks
It's Ok, But Just This Once!
Sloppy Love Jingle, Pt. 2
Boys In Bands (Interlude)
Scandalous Scholastics
On My Own Time (Write On!)
Sloppy Love Jingle, Pt. 3



"7 Weeks"
(feat. William Beckett)

My life's these yellow lines, concrete, and parliament butts
Exhaust fumes and rest stops who drive hard for their bucks
Load in, sound check, play show, load out, let's go, next city, oh great, off day
Hangovers, hangups, dialbacks, running make up, apologies and promises
And nobody acknowledges that boys in bands got it so damn bad
But we love like the last cigarette we'll ever have
I'm putting miles on my body, bout due for a tune up in this gas station, food ain't really helping but
I'm loving every minute, every road signs a reminder of exactly why we did it to begin with

This is how it has to be
A kiss for luck, submerge myself
And in 7 weeks resurface
Even if we don't look back again
Tired boys and wired eyes
Exposing imperfections
To the public eye we're perfect
Even if we don't look back again

I like these hotels, passports, random bag checks, day dreams of love affairs that I haven't had yet
Touch down, baggage claim, new town, different dame, same clothes, 7 days, whew, damn I need to change
And it's a lifestyle that I wouldn't recommend
Wild N Out on a level Nic Cannon couldn't comprehend (fuck outta here)
We made a lot of friends and even more enemies
Some of which were genuine and others just pretend to be
It's all gravy baby, life's lovely
Even when the gray rain cloud's right above me
The girl's textin' me talkin' about gettin' all cuddly
Cause you paint a pretty picture but the frame is so ugly

This is how it has to be
A kiss for luck, submerge myself
And in 7 weeks resurface
Even if we don't look back again
Tired boys and wired eyes
Exposing imperfections
To the public eye we're perfect
Even if we don't look back again

And now it's back in a van with four of my mans
Until we catchin' a tan on the Florida sands
I feel like tourin' this land's made me more of a man
From killa California to the shores of Japan
Good times stayin' up late in Austin
Coast to coast V8 to Chicago
To gettin' up with Johnny Cupcakes in Boston
And smokin' that most great eight in Colorado
Home ain't home no more
I hug the road and kiss the concrete and sometimes I even hear her heartbeat
No matter where we go or where we at
We carry upstate on our back, it's like that

This is how it has to be
A kiss for luck, submerge myself
And in 7 weeks resurface
Even if we don't look back again
Tired boys and wired eyes
Exposing imperfections
To the public eye we're perfect
Even if we don't look back again

This is how it has to be
A kiss for luck, submerge myself
And in 7 weeks resurface
Even if we don't look back again
Tired boys and wired eyes
Exposing imperfections
To the public eye we're perfect
Even if we don't look back again

"So a lot of you don't realize.
There's a whole subculture of boys driving around in vans."
Even if we don't look back again
"Looking for your daughters, and your lottery tickets. Love it or leave it. I'm like this"
Even if we don't look back again
"I love my life. Bitches."
Even if we don't look back again
Even if we don't look back again


이곡의 피쳐링을 The Academy is의 윌리엄군이 해줬습니다.

둘이 무대에서 같이 노래 부르는 사진을 꽤 많이 봤었는데 아마 그래서 그랬나봅니다.

레이블은 Fueled By Ramen 인데, 요즘 여기 소속의 신인밴드들이 인기가

있는거 같애요.



사용자 삽입 이미지

사용자 삽입 이미지
둘이 스킨쉽 못해서 안달났나 둘이 껴안고 노래 부르는 사진이 엄청 많이 있던데,
대부분은 왑드투어때 사진.
트래비스 맥코이가 상당히 키가 크나봅니다. 윌리암 키도 만만치 않은데...

posted by 종이인형
2006. 9. 27. 10:11 마구잡이 선곡

간만에 올리는 곡이예요.


The PInk Spiders -Teenage Graffiti(2006)

사용자 삽입 이미지

사용자 삽입 이미지
"Back To The Middle"

Young and wasted look at me now
I'm the king of California
Straight out of Tennessee

C'mon baby crash on my couch
You've got that hollywood nosebleed
You've got the pedigree

But when the seasons change
That's when I'll check that plane and go

Back to the middle, I'm gonna be high
Back to the middle, when I've had enough I will fly
Back to the middle, passengers please stand by
Back to the middle it's a miracle I've escaped alive

In the thick, thick electric air
There's a cloud of smoke ascending
Blocking the city lights

Fast and Faded, dead in Times Square
I'm not looking for a heartache
I gotta catch a flight

Because the weather's cold
This scene is getting old

in teh freeze I'm dreaming of the palm trees
On the beat I scheme about the city
Why should I go back?


posted by 종이인형
2006. 7. 3. 09:07 마구잡이 선곡

사용자 삽입 이미지



Boy Kill Boy - Civilian


 1. Back Again
 2. On And On
 3. Suzie
 4. Six Minutes
 5. On My Own
 6. Ivy Parker
 7. Civil Sin
 8. Killer
 9. Friday-Friday
 10. Showdown
 11. Shoot Me Down


posted by 종이인형
2006. 6. 22. 10:55 마구잡이 선곡


itune에서 Decemberunderground 구입시 주는

Bonus Track


사용자 삽입 이미지

"On The Arrow"

He said, "Who truly belongs here?"
Not I she said, I'll lie here with you
He knows no one shines forever
They change with the weather

He said, "I've now stayed too long here"
Good bye she said, I'll wait here for you
He knows the winds carry sorrow
As the leaves should follow
They leave tomorrow

Fragments of joy torn apart
A freshly drained heart that beats
Disguise themselves through him
He'll say that it's nothing new
And swear this is true,
for you, I'll swallow the ocean

I'll swallow the ocean

He said, "Who truly belongs here?"
Not I she said, I'll lie here to you
I know the sorrow is sacred
And I'll never break you
I'll softly save you

Fragments of joy torn apart
A freshly drained heart that beats
Disguise themselves through him
He'll say that it's nothing new
And swear this is true,
for you, I'll swallow the ocean

I'll swallow the ocean
posted by 종이인형
2006. 6. 21. 10:50 마구잡이 선곡


" The Inevitability of a Strange World "


사용자 삽입 이미지
"Nightmare" – 3:52
"Our Revolution" – 3:08
"Under Fire" – 3:02
"Anthem for Tonight" – 3:44
"Hey Italy" – 3:14
"Snow in Hollywood" – 3:47
"Such a Terrible Trend" – 4:14
"Better Than Sex" – 3:48
"Giant in the Ring" – 3:51
"Promise Me Tragedy" – 3:15
"A Tint of Rain" – 4:04
"I Told You So" – 3:29
"Murder I Wrote"
- 5:50
2002년도에 결성된 캘리포니아 Thousand Oaks 출신의 이모/팝펑크 밴드.
Mike Hunau – vocals
Chris Brandt – vocals, guitar
Adam Charles – guitar
Doug Peyton – bass
Tommy Guindon – drums
아주 튀는 곡도 없고 그렇다고 버릴 곡도 없는 전체적으로 들을만한 곡들로 가득찬 앨범이네요.
이쪽 장르 좋아하시는 분들에게는 무난히 들을수 있는 앨범이라 할수 있겠군요.

posted by 종이인형